Message from Executive Director, Bob Semerau
Our discussions with the host group for a fall conference have been put on hold until spring due to problems with housing availability.
Meanwhile, the OWAC Board of Directors continues to reach out to venues in hopes of working out a host site for fall 2021 conference. Any ideas or contacts you might have would be appreciated.
Recently the Pat Vachini High School Student Writing and Photography contest wrapped up and awards were given to eight outstanding entries in both divisions. Information is being posted on the website at .
Our former board member and current web master/newsletter editor, Gigi de Jong, wants to remind you to post often to the website by logging in and clicking on Submit a Blog Post. Don’t let it fool you, the button is for all posts including published articles, book info, photographs, and of course blogs posts. A posting here populates the website and the newsletter, as well as our Facebook page.
The 2021 Excellence in Craft award winners will be announced shortly, once judging has been completed. Watch the OWAC website and Facebook page.
Summer is rolling in and now is the time to get moving outdoors. Many new stories are being made each day, and we are the ones to share them with the world. Let’s get out there!
Bob Semerau
Executive Director, [email protected]