Results of OWAC’s 2023 Annual Excellence in Craft Awards are in! We had a great showing of entrants this year. First place winners receive $50 and second place winners receive $25 for their accomplishments.
After reviewing all submissions, the judges have selected:
2023 OWAC Writer of the Year
Nancy Sorrells
2023 EIC
action photography/artwork
1st phil reedy Surf’s Up
2nd betsy senescu Sailing toward Hawaii
3rd nancy sorrells Entering the Tunnel
1st merit mccrea “Ridden Hard, put away wet”
feature article
1st bob gaines Remembering Alpers Ranch
2nd carrie wilson A Day At Sea
3rd nancy sorrells Fall in Love with the Valley from the Seat of a bicycle
feature photography/artwork
1st phil reedy After the Storm
2nd laurie morrison Push Pull Splash
3rd john poimiroo “Red Lake Creek Cabin, Hope Valley”
internet site/ blog
1st john poimiroo California Fall Color
2nd risa wyatt PeakEats.com
news article
1st nancy sorrells Sen. Kaine hikes near Staunton in support of proposed Shenandoah mountain bill
2nd bob cooper 10 Scenic Running Paths From Around the World
3rd matt johanson Washoe and allies run to stop Minden siren
OWAC conference related
1st nancy sorrells “Native Peoples, native plants connected”
2nd laurie morrison Calm Between Seasons
3rd barbara steinberg “California Rambling: Tuolumne County offers iconic Yosemite Gold Rush history and High Sierra adventures”
1st philip friedman Captain Mike McDaniels talks about catching a 200-pound Nile perch in Egypt
1st peter schroeder Writing—How to Make Money