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All the parts came together on this one. The right boat, the right gear, the best weather, and the right bunch of guys for a fantastic couple of days on the water. And yes, insane fishing!
Sea Adventure 80 is the premier sportfisher for the fall 2-1/2-day charter hosted by Western Outdoor News each year.

SA 80 LOADS UP! Read More »

Burrowing owl in flight

Tammy Kokjohn wins CAWW Photo of the Year 2020

I was born and raised in a small town, Ft. Madison, Iowa, right on the Mississippi River.  From a very young age, being outdoors was just what we did as kids, from the time the sun came up, till the porch lights came on at night.  My Dad helped develop my love of nature, spending time in the woods, fishing, drives out on the country roads, and taking me to spend time on my Grandparents farm.

Tammy Kokjohn wins CAWW Photo of the Year 2020 Read More »

Remembering Alpers Ranch

Beginning in the 1980’s Tim Alpers raised triploid Coleman strain rainbow trout at his Ranch at the headwaters of the Upper Owens River. In the pure spring water, these well-fed trout grew to enormous proportions, full-finned and gorgeous, then were sold to Mono and Inyo Counties and local businesses and stocked throughout Eastern Sierra waters. His trophy trout became so ubiquitous that every big Eastern Sierra rainbow was referred to as an “Alpers”.

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No, this article has nothing to do with conifers in the high country. I’m talking about “evergreen” articles: stories and images that are always green and never go out of date. Tropical beaches don’t change over time. Neither do natural landscapes, happy faces, or beautiful sunsets. And I’ll explain how they can make you more

Evergreens Read More »

Take an Overland Adventure to These Five Fishing Destinations

Overlanding (self-reliant adventure travel) has become a popular pursuit in recent years. You may have seen stories, watched videos, or witnessed folks crisscrossing the U.S. and foreign countries in outfitted pickups, Toyota 4Runners, Jeeps, or Range Rovers. For those people, the experience of travel is the reward. The same is true for me, I just like to throw fishing into the mix when I’m on an overland journey.

Take an Overland Adventure to These Five Fishing Destinations Read More »

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