Professional Membership Application

Professional membership is available to individuals who earn revenue from the creation and publication of informational, educational, and/or entertainment focused content about the outdoors.

Individuals can be currently active in publishing and/or distributing their own material via traditional or new media or retired from the profession.

To become a professional member an applicant must submit a minimum of two published works that demonstrate the quality of their craft and attest to earnings received from such publication.

Application Form

  • Personal Information

  • DO NOT use your email address. This cannot be changed once your registration is approved.
  • Minimum length of 12 characters.
    The password must have a minimum strength of Strong
    Strength indicator
  • Required phone number format: (###) ###-####
  • File formats accepted: jpg, jpeg, png. Max size 1MB
  • (If applicable)
  • Professional Work

    Please submit a short (max 500 characters) biography of your professional outdoor media career. NOTE: This biography will appear in your Professional public profile on our site after you have been approved and join.
  • Please also provide a link to your professional website, blog, or social media page, as applicable.(Optional)
  • Work Samples

    Please submit links to, or file attachments, of 2 of your paid-for published works. Your submissions can be articles, photography, video, or audio about outdoor subjects.
    Please submit two samples of your professional work.
  • Files may be scans, images, audio, or video files. The following file formats will be accepted: jpg, pdf, png, mp3, mp4, mov. Max file size 1MB.
  • Files may be scans, images, audio, or video files. The following file formats will be accepted: jpg, pdf, png, mp3, mp4, mov. Max file size 1MB.
  • Service

  • (Optional)
    I confirm that the above is true and correct and I will abide by all OWAC's membership rules. I attest that I am an outdoor media professional and that the works submitted here are my own.

    • Personal Information

    • DO NOT use your email address. This cannot be changed once your registration is approved.
    • Minimum length of 12 characters.
      The password must have a minimum strength of Strong
      Strength indicator
    • Required phone number format: (###) ###-####
    • File formats accepted: jpg, jpeg, png. Max size 1MB
    • (If applicable)
    • Professional Work

      Please submit a short (max 500 characters) biography of your professional outdoor media career. NOTE: This biography will appear in your Professional public profile on our site after you have been approved and join.
    • Please also provide a link to your professional website, blog, or social media page, as applicable.(Optional)
    • Work Samples

      Please submit links to, or file attachments, of 2 of your paid-for published works. Your submissions can be articles, photography, video, or audio about outdoor subjects.
      Please submit two samples of your professional work.
    • Files may be scans, images, audio, or video files. The following file formats will be accepted: jpg, pdf, png, mp3, mp4, mov. Max file size 1MB.
    • Files may be scans, images, audio, or video files. The following file formats will be accepted: jpg, pdf, png, mp3, mp4, mov. Max file size 1MB.
    • Service

    • (Optional)
      I confirm that the above is true and correct and I will abide by all OWAC's membership rules. I attest that I am an outdoor media professional and that the works submitted here are my own.

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